How It Began

My love for glass started as a teen, watching my mother score and solder in our hot Miami garage. She let me work with my first piece at 15. It was a magical moment and I loved watching my mom work with the medium. When I became a mother myself, I left my corporate career to watch my littles. But as so many find, I lost a large part of my identity by leaving the workforce and was in need of a hobby that would push and encourage my creative abilities. One day, helping my mom clean out her garage, I asked to borrow some tools and play around. What came after was a series of magical moments mirroring my life: breaking and putting back together.

In the start of 2020, I figured I’d try selling my items. I was not prepared for what followed. I am continually blown away and humbled by the support my community and glass lovers alike have given me. Take a look around my site and you will see that I work on small suncatchers, geometric panels, and everything in between.

I’d love to make something magical for you.



Camel City Glass